Business Continuity Plans

Our number one priority is the health and safety of our staff and that of our clients. Throughout the pandemic we have followed NHS and construction industry guidance. The majority of our work remains in the key sectors of education and construction and we have maintained service and kept projects moving throughout the pandemic. 

We have now updated our ways of working as follows

  1. Work is what we do not where we are. The majority of PMc staff are now working on a blended basis from home and the office, splitting their time between the two. We are enjoying having some time together and for some new team members this has been their first chance to meet the rest of the team in person. We are keeping office attendance at below 50% of capacity at all times and maintaining social distancing. 
  2. We are using flow tests twice per week and continuing to take temperature tests every day we are in the office. 
  3. We are minimising the use of public transport and complying with BTR regulations when doing so. 
  4. We are no longer “avoiding” all face to face meetings but have now made a permanent shift to the use of Microsoft Teams to conduct the majority of our meetings by videoconference. We have found client board meetings, design meetings, contractor interviews and project update meetings to be all efficient and effective online. In making this shift we are reducing our carbon footprint by eliminating unnecessary travel and saving time – for us and our partners – reducing “lost” travel time and increasing our productivity. 
  5. Where visits to construction sites are required as part of our role these have and continue, however, routine project meetings and update meetings will continue to take place using video conferencing.
  6. We ask all staff and visitors are to use the hand sanitiser installed in the reception wall of our Winchester Office before coming to the first floor. 

By eliminating all unnecessary travel and face to face meetings and adhering to hand washing and sanitising recommendations we will continue to play our part in helping to prevent the spread of C19. 

We have formalised our sickness policy – we operate a policy based on 100% of salary from day one of sickness. We aim to look after each other and in doing so look after our clients to the best of our abilities.

We have continually assessed the impact of the pandemic on the projects we have on site and under tender.  During the pandemic we have had projects move through the full cycle from design to completion.  We are committed to delivering each and everyone of our projects in partnership with our client, consultant and contractor partners. 

Peter Marsh and Robert Rees
5 May 2021